Cities vector data error
Submitted by Unassigned.. (not verified) on Tue, 2008-01-15 16:55.
I just installed an evaluation copy and I see an error when I start up Radiocompass stating that the cities vector data file cannot be found under C:\Program Files\Radiosoft\data..etc, which makes sense because that file is in c:\Radiosoft\data. In my configuration menu, it lists c:\Radiosoft\data under the Vector tab, so I have no idea why Radiocompass would be looking in Program Files for that file.
Shawn Bald
Marcus Communications
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Turns out that Vista won't allow various types of access to anything under "Program Files", which is where we originally put the supporting data files. We had to move 'em, sorry for the confusion. Were you able to puzzle out how to make them work OK? Did the change "stick"? Should we make it easier to fix configuration problems?
I see no way to resolve the problem. Here is the specific error I get after Radio Compass loads:
Vector data file C:\Program Files\RadioSoft\RadioCompass\Data\Vector\Cities\citiesx020.shp does not exist.
In File, Configuration, Vector Data points to the folder C:\RadioSoft\Data\Vector. That *IS* the correct location of citiesx020.shp. Even though the configuration is correct, Radio Compass still looks for this file in the wrong place.
I also get an error on a seemingly random basis when loading Radio Compass: Cannot instantiate RadioCompass bootstrap. However, this error seems to have no obvious effect on the function of the program.
Also, all kinds of crazy things happen when I try to add the terra map layer to a composite map. Some kind of unhandled exception, and then after I hit continue, it said it was downloading tiles in the status bar, and then crashed and dumped me out of the program.
I had raised this issue internally yesterday. Those tiles (topo or satellite pictures) are downloaded from what used to be a quick and reliable online source. A few days ago, it slowed way down and now has become unreliable. We have the layers here we can serve, but were hoping not to have to do so, it's a pretty large bandwidth commitment and will require amending the raster engine. And to send the layers to use locally, well between the two (and there are several more, with dozens in the works) they are 300 GB. We are considering USB drives for this, will decide before Spring.