Map error

Submitted by Unassigned.. (not verified) on Mon, 2007-11-12 21:11.

Something's really strange with the world :)

The map at the bottom of an interference study "blanked" out (all white) after defaulting to just off the western coast of Africa while studying a California station. I zoomed out, panned west, got to Mexico and started north, when it went blank.

I noted that the mouse coordinates were still working, and I could still navigate, even though I'm blind. Unfortunately, the Bible's right about the long distance between east and west, since I've just navigated to 37-14-29N, 362-19-15.6 E... and I can still continue east (a few more clicks east, and I'm to 39-35-56.1N by 385-31-40.1 E.

So... I'm going to start over... :)

Sam Wallington, DE, EMF