Error Loading TV Protection Table

Submitted by Mick on Tue, 2008-04-22 12:27.

This error may occur when upgrading ComStudy from any version from on. This is due to adding both the new LP DTV Rules and Part 27 Rules to the TV OET-69 interference algorithms. These changes required a new TV Rule file, which is included with ComStudy. To update ComStudy to use the new file, go into FILE|CONFIGURATION|TABLE/CHARTS and change the TV Protections file from TVRULES.fcc to TVRULES.xml. The file should stay black. If the file name is red, or you are still receiving a related error message, leave a message here and we will help you through the problem.

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Submitted by jwindsor on Tue, 2010-01-26 11:05.

Thanks. I'd wondered why that error was cropping up but hadn't taken the time to look into it.
