multi-site export to Google Earth

Submitted by jweaverrc on Wed, 2011-01-19 16:06.

Currently (v-, when exporting the composite matrix to Google Earth, it exports the coloring tiff image of all the sites but only the marker for one site is created in Google Earth. It'd be extremely helpful to be able to export all sites to 1 kml file and then be able to select individual coverage matrices in GE. I know that selecting more than one site at a time won't give a true coverage plot with overlapping matrices and all but it'd be nice to select different sites to see how it covers a particular area.

Alternatively, there could be an option to export all selected sites to individual kmls and the user could drag them into one kml if he/she desired. That would be acceptable. Currently, I have to select only one site and export that, then select the next site (only) and export it, etc...and then try to pull them all into a single KML file etc.


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Submitted by Mick on Tue, 2011-01-25 09:57.

Hi Josh,

We currently have this feature request in our database and I've added you as an additional contact when this has been put into the program.

Thanks for the feedback!