Canadian Border area mapping
Submitted by msaiarc on Thu, 2010-09-02 12:59.
I am located in Buffalo, NY above line "A" and have been dealing with Canadian HIA's (harmful interference anticipated) for areas across the border. I am being ask to run Longley Rice interference predictions to respond to my recent HIA's. Are there any future plans for providing Canadian mapping on Compass so that I can map their HIA specific areas of concern using the LR interference predictions?
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Are you looking for terrain only? The terrain that ships with RadioCompass goes 150-200 miles across the border. If you need Canadian terrain, we do have this as well. Let me know the area and I will send you over the information.
If there is any mapping available to Compass for Canada (Ontario primarily) I could use it in my HIA replys.
If you want a shapefile of Canadian Coordination lines, this is included with the program as a layer called "FCC-CanCoord".
If you want street data, this is included in the RoadMap layer.
3'' terrain data goes 200 miles North of the border. If you need more than that, I can post it for you to download.