Display of Site Name

Submitted by jnolan on Sat, 2010-07-31 15:40.



At the moment the RFCompass program displays the call sign on the coverage study site map. In some cases I do not have a call sign, but I do have the site name. Is there a way to select independently, either the site name or call sign to be displayed on the coverage study?

Jim Nolan
541 592-6004 P
541 660-8572 C

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Submitted by Mick on Mon, 2010-08-02 09:50.

At the moment, RadioCompass automatically chooses to display the callsign first. If no callsign has been entered for the site, it then uses the "Name" field.

We'll change this down the road to be user selectable - Name, Callsign, Licensee, Freq., etc.

Thanks again for the input!