Column Settings

Submitted by jnolan on Sat, 2010-07-31 15:34.

Hello Mick:

I saved the column settings as you suggested; however, when you close RFCompass and save your files and then recall the same project file later, the column settings revert back to program default settings. It doesn't seem to matter if I save the settings under a new name or save the settings as the default. Still doesn't work.

Also, is there a way to talk to someone on Saturdays?

Jim Nolan
541 592-6004 phn
541 660-8572 cell

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Submitted by Mick on Mon, 2010-08-02 09:38.

Hi Jim,

I have added this to the bug database and linked this post to update when finished.

As for Saturday, we are closed so there is no phone support. You're welcome to email or post here and we'll respond if available.
