64 bit version of Radio Compass

Submitted by kennethplace on Wed, 2014-03-19 10:26.

Hello Mick,
How can I tell whether Radio Compass is running as the 64-bit version or 32-bit? I recently moved operations to a hot new computer but things don't seem to be going any faster. And the Available Memory widget only indicates 1240 MB even though I've got 16 GB of RAM.I have a feeling the issues are related.
Ken Place

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Submitted by Mick on Wed, 2014-03-19 10:44.

Hey, Ken.

RadioCompass is currently a 32-bit application. It will run on 64-bit hardware/Operating Systems, but in 32-bit mode. The memory gadget will tell you what is actually available to RadioCompass/.NET. On most machines the max will be around 3.5-3.9 GB.
