map tools

Submitted by brate on Wed, 2010-10-06 13:22.

I have only a day's experience with Comstudy. A former coworker ran a study, and I am now trying to print the map. I have set scale, and horizontal/vertical map dimensions per the customer. My problem is that the cursor tools don't allow a smooth pan operation. The zoom and move functions are way too coarse to do what I need. Is there a trick that will help?

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Submitted by Mick on Wed, 2010-10-06 13:34.

Try zooming out to an extent just outside of what you want to print. Then use the selection tool (first button in the top row of Cursor Tools) to draw a box around your area of interest.

Submitted by brate on Wed, 2010-10-06 16:05.

thanks, that worked. Now I have a question about Transmitter Information. Please point to an FAQ if it exists.
There are columns titled V,N,M,S and D, what are their functions?


Submitted by Mick on Thu, 2010-10-07 12:51.

V = Victim site in an interference study or a starting site for an Auto-Path Profile
N = New site in an interference study with existing interference. This will show the interference the new site causes but not what it adds to existing interference.
M = Matrix - this will show an arrow pointing to the lower right to signify a Talk-Out matrix has been calculated for the site, an arrow to the top left signifying a Talk-Back matrix has been calculated, or a double-headed arrow to signify both matrix types were calculated.
S = Selected (checkbox)
D = Distance from the center of the map