Water Exlcusion doesn't seem to discriminate between 0 meter elevation beach land and bodies of water

Submitted by jnolan on Thu, 2010-08-05 03:20.


I noticed that when I use the Water Exclusion (WE) option when calcuating coverage, the program will not calculate the coverage of land that is adjacent to a beach head and is at 0-meters in elevation. However, when I turn off the WE option the proper signal strength is calculated on the the 0-meter elevation lands as well as the adjancent body of water.

A case in point: The Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel is located right on the beach on the North Shore area of Oahu and is at 0-meter elevation. We put a transmitter on the rooftop and then calculated the coverage. The program did not plot any coverage in the immediate area around the hotel, but did print the coverage once the elevation increased to 1 meter.

So it seems that the WE filter is not fool proof and it is not capable of discriminatomg between zero elevation land and the ocean elevation.

Is there a way to determine if the area is water or land?


Jim Nolan

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Submitted by Mick on Thu, 2010-08-05 09:52.

There are 2 ways that RadioCompass excludes water - 1 is an exclusion from calculations - this is the option you set under "Matrix Settings". It is based on 3'' terrain and filters cells at sea level.

The other exclusion is display only. This is done by turning on the road map layer. Anything it shows as water will block the calculated matrix.

The way the program immediately stands, you can turn off water exclusion and turn on the Road Map layer.

Enhancements to water exclusion are being made, but hopefully this will work for you until we get those out.

A better option, in my opinion at least, is to use the attached shapefile of Oahu as the matrix extent with water exclusion off. Unzip the file to your %programfiles%\RadioSoft\RadioCompass\Data\Vector\ folder and then point the matrix extent to the .shp file. If you need more details, let me know and I'll write up a walkthrough.