Import Sites From Spreadsheet

Submitted by Mick on Tue, 2009-05-05 16:55.

To import your own lists of sites into ComStudy from a spreadsheet, follow these steps:

1. Check to make sure you are running the latest version of ComStudy. Help | About will give you your file version. Help | My Downloads / Account will give you the latest available version. As of this writing, is the latest version.

2. Open Transmitter Information in ComStudy and configure the column layout to your liking. This is done by right-clicking on any of the column headings and choosing Column Layout. In this window you can select each field that you wish to import and deselect any you will not need (D / Distance is one such field). When you are satisfied with your selections, press OK to close the column selection window.

3. Create a dummy site - go to Sites | New Site and press OK.

4. Now we'll export the site so we'll have a template. To do so, go back to Sites | Clipboard Copy | Spreadsheet Format | Current Site. Your site is now copied to the Windows clipboard.

5. Open your spreadsheet program of choice and paste the data in - this is usually done by selecting cell A1 and going to Edit | Paste or right-clicking on A1 and choosing Paste.

6. Now that you have this template, you can overwrite/paste your data in the appropriate fields.

7. To import your new list of sites into ComStudy, select all the information in the spreadsheet (including headers), and copy it to your clipboard (Edit | Copy). Now go to Transmitter Information in ComStudy, choose Sites | Import Sites | From Clipboard.

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Submitted by Mueller on Sat, 2011-11-05 09:00.

Mick, thanks for pointing me at this yesterday but it doesn't work right for AM records. No tower information is exported or imported. What is in the "Tx_Antenna" field is the frequency, a few other numbers and then some approximation of the pattern at 5 degree intervals starting at azimuth 0 and theta 0...except that the inverse distance fields listed are not correct so that is fairly useless.

The data file is easy to figure out but that too is useless since the program uses the indexes which are not so easy to figure out. Without them the program can't find anything.

SO, I'm back to not being able to import what I need into Comstudy. Any ideas?

- Mark

Submitted by Mick on Sat, 2011-11-05 11:25.

Sorry, Mark - you are correct. There are issues with the AM import/export.