Land use attenuation data

Submitted by mswanberg on Mon, 2009-03-09 11:36.

Hello Peter, et al...

Is there any way to update land use attenuation data for Southern California? I'm finding that with the rapid developement that's occurred here over the last 15 years or so, open areas have been re-zoned to commercial and residential. The result is that in old development areas, RSL predictions are pretty accurate, and in new development, the predictions are about 15-20 db optimistic - a serious issue when it comes to customer expectations. So, land use data seems to be rather obsolete. Any hope of updates?

I'm currently running with land use data off, and adding a 20 db "fudge factor". That makes coverage predictions a bit pessimistic in some areas, and dead-nuts on in others.


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Submitted by Mick on Tue, 2009-03-10 12:06.

Your current skewing of the data is probably the best way to accomplish what you need. ComStudy's LULC data is circa-2001 and 30'' to boot. There are no plans to update this data or to make it user-editable.

We may allow for this in RadioCompass in the future.

Submitted by wmirandarc on Thu, 2015-07-30 08:22.

Any update in this topic? We actually conducted CW testing though our areas and have pretty accurate data. However I can't seem to be able od updating the tables. That's how I landed here. Please advise.

Submitted by Mick on Thu, 2015-07-30 10:14.

We are currently beta testing terrain editing within RadioCompass. We are planning for a release 7/31/2015 (tomorrow!), and will have these features (still in beta and potentially buggy) available in said release.

With these new editing capabilities, we may be able to also offer the ability to edit Land Use values as well. Email over what files you have so that we can get a real-world example of the file structure that you may want to import. I believe you already have my address, but if not, grab it from: .
