Legends and Labels

Submitted by hnewtonrc on Mon, 2009-02-02 19:20.


What are these in dBm?

Radio Compass Field Strength Legend
0dBu – White
10dBu – Gray
30dBu – Dark Blue
40dBu – Light Blue
50 dBu - Green
60 dBu – Yellow
70 dBu - Red

Are you going to put these in a legend?

Is there a way to write a Text Message on the bottom or top/ below or above the Maps generated?

Is the cross that comes on the map showing the site supposed to be accurate of the exact location because it is not?

Howard W. Newton III, P.E.
Radio Communications Engineer
Riverside County Information Technology (RCIT)
Office 951-486-7755
Cell 951-500-2355
Fax 951-486-7724

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Submitted by sysadmin on Mon, 2009-02-02 19:29.

The print legend is on the task list, I will check tomorrow to see if we have a time frame.

To convert your FS over to dBm go to File | Field Units | then choose dBm. This updates the color palette as well as the rest of the study.

Can you send me some information on the crosshairs issue - screenshots or a copy of the study would be nice.


Submitted by hnewtonrc on Mon, 2009-02-02 19:48.

Is there a way to print labels for our drawings. Like a top or bottom off the coverage map label. Is there a way to label with text on the map?

Submitted by Mick on Tue, 2009-02-03 13:06.

The print legend is on the task list but priority has not been set - there are other issues that are ahead of this that must be resolved/implemented before we can go to the next.

I'll get with you about the crosshairs shortly after looking at your study.