Move ComStudy To A New Machine

Submitted by Mick on Mon, 2009-09-21 12:15.

Be advised that due to this being a lengthy (and sometimes troublesome) process, we cannot provide phone support for this process. We are, however, happy to provide followup posts to this page as needed.

First, copy all your ComStudy folders to your new machine - you will most likely have thefollowing - if you changed your installation directory, then you should already know where these folders are located:


For this process to work properly, you must copy these folders to the same location on the new machine.

On the old machine, go to START|RUN and type 'regedit' (no quotes)
Click the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Scroll down, click the plus sign next to SOFTWARE, then RADIOSOFT
Right-Click on ComStudy, choose EXPORT and save the file on your desktop.
You will want to move this file to the desktop of your new machine, double
click on it to import into your registry.

You will need a new key when you run the program on the new machine for the first time.

Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11 Users should read the following post as well: ComStudy on Windows Vista / 7

For 64-bit Operating Systems

64-bit Operating Systems are a little trickier than the above steps. If you are going FROM a 32-bit OS to a 64-bit, you will need to edit the .reg file that you created above.

Instead of:
you will need to have

Using Find/Replace in a text editor will make changing the path easier on you.

If you are moving from one 64-bit machine to another, you will need to export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RadioSoft
No editing of the .reg file is needed unless you change the folder locations on the new machines.

If you run into any issues, feel free to post!