Questions From Joey

Submitted by Mick on Fri, 2009-09-25 09:57.

1 - How do you change the fonts and the size of the site identifier image for the radio?

This is done through the Object Inspector - double click on the radio and look for FONT PROPERTIES - click the "..." box on the far right of this line to change the properties.

2 - I can't get the terrain layer to stay off unless I remove it. It turns back on with the redraw.

Would you mind sending steps to duplicate this? I can turn off the 3'' layer (but still have it in the active list) and refresh the map or recalculate and it does not turn back on.

3 - Is there a way to edit the County Names? I would like to take the word "County" off the ends.

All versions of RadioCompass from Feb. '09 on should have the word "County" removed from the names. I attached a zip file to this post - download and unzip it to C:\Program Files\RadioSoft\RadioCompass\Data\Vector\Counties\ (overwrite the current files) - this is the current file with County removed. You could also do this yourself if you wanted by editing the .dbf file in a spreadsheet program.

4 - Is there a way to get a title block?

I'm not sure if I understand - are you wanting a layer that would just be a large text label at the top of the study?

5 - Is there a way to export the contours as an XYZ or a .SHP file?

Not currently (for either). You are, however, able to export the contour data to a text file, which you can then massage into XYZ format.

6 - Is there a write up on doing frequency searches?

You can view a simple Interference study here to help get you started:

7 - The Goggle Earth Export seems to not have a transparent background - Is there a work around?

When exporting to GE, the transparency is only set when you export the Radio Matrix. If you export "All Active Layers", then transparency is not set.

8 - Can I add a .shp file as a layer?

Yes - to do this, open the Layer Manager, on the left side, right-click on "Vector Layer" and choose "Setup Vector Data". Put in your shapefile information, press OK, then restart the program (shapefiles are loaded at start). Your shapefile will now be in the layer manager.